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The Diving Alumni diver reconnaissance battalion RECON DIVER CLUB Diving Institute has long been established over 15 years. We teach and produce quality diving to the field of social and Thailand from the beginning. To the level of teacher training. Diving depth study Openwater Diver (for beginners learning to dive for international diving license) teaches the whole course of the Institute of PADI and NAUI. From the United States. Of interest to you. We think that the pool design and teaching scuba diving, especially the depth of 4 meters (the depth) system, whirlpool spa, indoor pool pure sea salt to help students relax. Privacy fresh focus and not irritate the skin from the Marine collection as well as black and burnt by the sun (property and private pool club in Bangkok Ring - Bangkhae across Southern Association).
Course Discover Scuba diver (DSD) is a short course. To those interested an experimental diving. Try scuba diving in the pool really our spa salts. Takes about 1-3 hours club in charge of this course 350 Baht

And special programs for Scuba Diver (courses of PADI) is a 3800 U.S. full-day diving course (Lecture + Sa) 2 days. In this course you will learn diving skills seriously by almost all professional divers need to learn. Teaching in the pool, spa salt, 4 meters deep, designed to create pressure and feel close to the Black Sea really And also to extend to study the full course with the PADI OPENWATER DIVER (in case you want to study in the full course. To pay an additional 3000 baht for the test dive the sea sector. To obtain a license to use the international diving diving around the world).

The program is in full PADI / NAUI OPENWATER DIVER of the two institutions (6800 Baht all that).
Divide training into three parts.
1. Department spent about 6-8 hours of training covering general And the safety of diving such as
- Knowledge of scientific principles of pressure control. And conditioning the water.
- Knowledge. Diving in the system. Underwater breathing apparatus open circuit.
- Knowledge of oceanography and adapt to the underwater world.
- Calculation of diving instrumentation. And planning and the depth of black.
2. Practice in the pool as
- Knowledge in the use of underwater breathing apparatus open circuit (SCUBA).
- Exercises in self-help in an emergency variations (such as air out of the water.)
- Exercise of diving in normal conditions.
3. Discursive practices actually dive in the sea 4 times / Dive + Skin dive 1Dive.
- And the final evaluation. Before licensing international diving PADI / NAUI (lifetime) in OPENWATER the diving world.

Why do students leave the club, so check the Sattahip Sea region. Many of you understand where that stream flow forces. Is a problem in practice. But not us. Because of space expertise and familiarity with the bay islands and experience more than 10 years ago. Home of the Royal Thai Navy of this Makes it ideal for scuba diving training very Environment in the historic fishing village. Where the flat calm sea. Currents flowing well. Therefore sediment faster transfer of sediment. Make this clear sea and marine life than to live a lot. A special area of โ€‹โ€‹supervision of the Navy. Hotel Resort prohibited or drag boat umbrella Into chaos. Community and this sea of โ€‹โ€‹calm. And maintain a natural yet. Unbelievably

Example details of teaching and learning (a Full time / full day).
The first day (Saturday) 8:30 to 12:00 am Learn sector Theory Society (Lecture) 13:00 to 16:30 noon to practice pool.
Day Two (Sunday) 08:30 to 12:00 am practice in the pool (Confine Water) 13:00 to 16:30 noon and conclude learning theory
The third and fourth days. (Saturday - Sunday next) 08.00 - 16.00 Check out the polyunsaturated fatty acids Sea region, Sattahip, Chonburi.

Cost of training per person is 6,800 baht including the establishment and all parts. Including license fee diving international PADI and / or NAUI with the training will receive manuals and textbooks, diving, diving equipment that provides loans to use every piece of both vowels and Regional Sea, Book of Black Water (Log Book. ), as well as the cost of the examination region such as marine vessels / meals. And diving equipment (Note not only includes the cost of travel - to Sattahip. And one night accommodation fee 200 baht).

The club has determined to participate in training. Pay all costs. On the last day of school only It will not accept deposits. Or prepay any.

If you are interested to sign inquiries and reservations, without cost or number 08-6662-3355 08-9137-8349 or 02-887-8100.
Visit greet each other at. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Recon-Diver/129660117098687. or. Http://www.recondiver.com. If friends in the north branch of the club can contact us at Chiang Mai. http://www.thaidiveclub.com.

Note the club's opening round of 1-month training cycle no more than 8 persons. 4-6 persons per trainer. Unlimited number of times a school and pool. Students can learn at their own appointment as conveniently without having to wait for school groups. Club open dive training opportunities to the advanced level trainer club organized diving trips in the country. And abroad organized themselves to each other a friendly division.


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